Thursday, March 6, 2014

So...That 'Annie' Trailer Came Out...

Keep an open mind, Joey, keep an open mind...

I have never liked Annie.  Maybe it's because I never saw a part in it for me (which, yes, is very stupid), but the musical about the golden retriever-loving, redheaded orphan always gave me a migraine.  I break out in hives when I hear the beginning of "Tomorrow," and just thinking about it makes me feel like I need to take a walk around the block.  That being said, the remake starring Quvenzhane Wallis and Jamie Foxx intrigued me.  A modernization of Annie?  Sure, why not!  And then the trailer hit yesterday...

I haaaaate how glossy it all looks.  I realize that it's a big, grand retelling of the story, but Annie has a nicer room than I did when I was her age.  I've always thought of Annie as a poor, defenseless orphan, but Wallis looks like she could punch Miss Hannigan in the gut and run away.  I don't know.  It's all too shiny for my taste.  Speaking of Miss Hannigan...

I think Cameron Diaz looks dreadful.  Like Razzie consideration dreadful.  That bit at the end of the trailer where she tells Jamie Foxx to Like her on Facebook makes me cringe.  Sorry bout it, Cameron.  I was getting a bit excited for the casting of her, because when she plays lowbrow, it always feels like a career high.  


I shouldn't complain.  I want more big musicals to hit the big screen (this year is going to have at least 3), but I really, really can't get on board with this right now.  

Keep an open mind, Joey, keep an open mind...

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